At Pertemps,
The average salary for:

Recruitment Administrator
in South East is

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Recruitment administrators may work in recruiting firms or HR departments. They are responsible for locating, recruiting and interviewing potential job candidates.


There are no formal academic entry requirements, although some employers may require degree level qualifications and most entrants possess GCSE/S grades. Certification from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development is available, along with relevant NVQs/SVQs at various levels.


  • Arranges advertisements for jobs in the relevant media.
  • Implements and maintains HR records systems.
  • Provides administrative support for training courses, work placements etc.
  • Provides practical support for recruitment and selection procedures such as checking application forms, arranging interviews of candidates and ensuring the interview panel receive all relevant documentation.
  • Supports senior HR staff in the development and implementation of HR and industrial relations policies.

Salaries from this search have been calculated using current and historical roles, which have been advertised with Pertemps in the last 2 years. Data is updated in real time as jobs are posted, and the search results calculate averages of all job posts that fit the role category.

Salary comparison results are intended as a rough guide only. Actual salaries may vary based on qualifications, experience, location and company type. Salary figures do not include bonuses or benefits.

We do not collect your salary information, this is only used for the page to provide you with enhanced information. Weekly pay is calculated by dividing the annual salary by 48 working weeks.

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